Enterprise Risk Management

The Company's objective is to protect and enhance the interest of its stakeholders by committing itself to the principles of risk management, fairness, accountability and transparency. Thus, it fully embraces and practices sound corporate governance in order to instill trust and confidence to the organization. (Article I, Amended Manual on Corporate Governance).

The Keppel Group assessed the management risk through its quarterly desktop review of the financials of the company. The Company including its subsidiaries and associates submits on monthly basis the financial reports to the Keppel Group.

Any risk or issues shall be raised and settled in the Audit and Compliance Committee meetings. The Audit and Compliance Committee provides oversight over Management's activities in managing credit, market, liquidity, operational, legal and other risks of the corporation which function includes regular receipt from Management of information on risk exposures and risk management activities.

Details of functions:

  1. Check all financial reports against its compliance with both the internal financial management handbook and pertinent accounting standards, including regulatory requirements;
  2. Review interested party transactions;
  3. Perform oversight financial management functions especially in the areas of managing credit, market, liquidity, operational, legal and other risks of the Corporation, and crisis management;
  4. Perform direct interface functions with the internal and external auditors

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